Monday, October 15, 2007


I have to get more used to using this blog tool. I have been meaning all week to add stuff to the blog but just haven't had the chance to get to it something just keeps getting in the way, I will just have to make it part of the routine.

Last week went by fast we were so busy I could hardly move. I can't think of anything bad happening last week so I will just stick you guys with the good news. An investment opportunity has arose. In Oaklawn a 98 Unit Apartment complex that was built only four years ago has been converted to condominiums. Of the 98 only 45 are left and are about to fly, don't miss this opportunity. I have negotiated with the developer that he will pay two years of the property taxes and Home Owners Association (HOA) dues. More than that he will rent the unit back from you for a three year period. Basically if you can get approved for a loan with only 10% down for a unit, and the price of the unit goes up by 2% over a 2 year period you can make like 29% return on your money. I know its insane, its an awesome deal and I cant wait to sell the crap out of these. One of the guys in my office has already shown 5 and I just let the package out on Friday, and today is only Monday!!! Anyway if your interested the information is saved here:

and the excel spread sheet is here:

Check out the video here:

Have fun investing!!! I'm back to work!


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