Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mortgage Shmortgage

People as a whole are interesting creatures. Human behavior amuse me. After looking at the magazine racks at the book store, after watching the daily news, or reading the newspaper one could easily assume that the majority of people are obsessed with bad news, people love to hear about the misery of others they love to be notified about any misfortune that may occur to anyone. Why? I don't know the answer to that but it is amusing. I catch myself doing the same thing sometimes while checking out at the grocery store seeing the tabloid exploiting all of the celebrities, or when I watch the news and they have to give me the latest Britney Spears or Lindsey Lohan rehab update. No one is immune to it but I have been trying to train myself away from it. Its an uphill battle but one of my personal battles none the less.

Another habit that amuses me is that most people don't make decisions for themselves. If the real estate bubble blew up in Miami, and Phoenix, Las Vegas and Detroit, that doesn't mean that it blew up everywhere. Investors run around scared about whats gonna happen now that the mortgage companies are going belly up that houses aren't selling anymore. Well that's not a fact. Mortgage companies will always be here and houses will always sell and apartments will always rent. Why? this I can answer, because shelter is one of the most basic needs for humans to have, and people will do anything to have it. Do you think that just because a bunch of mortgages went bad that houses wont sell anymore? Do you think that people are just gonna move out into the streets or homeless shelters? No! Even after the saving and loan scandals and all that went down in the 80's real estate still continues to rise and rise and rise. Find the information out for yourself. There are still super hot areas to live. In Dallas many areas went down because of the craze, but many areas still go up and had no effect. Banks will still give mortgages to people who deserve them. The people that the mortgage crisis hurt the most is the people who couldn't afford the home to begin with. The people who could only afford a home for $100,000 and the brokers convinced them they could afford a home for $200,000.00 were the ones that got hurt. The people who bit off to big of a piece. Now I'm ranting , so I will stop before I get to confusing. If you have any questions or comments feel free to call me 214-607-3988, I would love to discuss this with anyone interested.

